HER, by Melinda Alston
Embark on a chilling true story following the life of Melinda, a young woman thrust into a series of harrowing events that defy all odds. Born into a storm of dysfunction and violence, Melinda faces an uncertain future with little security. From surviving her tumultuous childhood to navigating the dark passages of her young adult world, she discovers that fate has a cruel hand in store.
As Melinda sets out on a journey through several states in the U.S., her life takes an ominous turn when she encounters not one but two notorious serial killers within days of each other. One of them, a fleeting menace, will never cross her path again. The other, the Happy Face Killer, Keith Hunter Jesperson, proves relentless and uncontrollable.
Through Melinda’s eyes, feel the tension and danger surrounding her as she becomes a target of unimaginable evil. In a second terrifying convergence, the Happy Face Killer resurfaces, driven by a dark passion and an unthinkable force with the intent to torture and kill her. Will Melinda escape the clutches of this relentless predator, or is she destined to become another victim of his sinister motives?
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