A Gathering of Broken Mirrors: Memories of New York Survivors, by Anthony E. Shaw
“I search for answers to questions that, I suspect, are as old as human time itself.”
This collection presents memories, from a variety of New Yorkers, in different places and times. These are the lessons of life in the city:
· Can people whose lives are filled with wicked acts also be loving and kind?
· Why do only some people suffer cruel and unexplained tragic events?
· Who will help when someone is slipping blindly into harm?
· Must we pass through darkness to find light?
· Does committing a sin irrevocably scar the sinner?
· Who is pursuing whom: the person chasing the future, or the future luring the person?
· Does forgiveness exist?
· How does one solitary life fit in the force of history?
· Are people ultimately punished for their misdeeds or rewarded for their kindnesses?
· What is fate?
· How does a person live a fulfilled life knowing death is to come?
· Who answers unspoken questions?
· Who is the savior?
A Gathering of Broken Mirrors tells twenty-four New York stories that are jagged pieces of a broken mirror. These distinct voices of the famous, the infamous, and the anonymous, through the shards of their memories, open the hard road to what’s next.
Visit the author’s website: https://brokenmirrorsnyc.com/
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