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Corpse Beneath the Crocus, by N.N. Nelson

The death of a loved one is a tragedy everybody experiences at least once in their lifetime. Grief is a heavy burden to carry alone.

But what if we’re not alone? What if it just so happens the right words fall into our ears at the right time solidifying our experiences and connecting those of us who grieve outside of time and distance? What if we come to realize through a few lines of poetry just how natural and acceptable it is to rage like a firestorm, scream like a banshee and melt into a puddle of sadness?

Within the paper folds of N.N. Nelson’s Corpse Beneath the Crocus, we experience the vibrant journey of grief as a poetic expression of transformation. The bitter agony of heartache and the exultation of growth gleaned from it are splattered on the pages in a winding roadmap of acceptance.

Atmosphere Press

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