Destined to Live: A Theology of Redemption from an Old Earth Perspective, by Don McLellan
Can Christians believe in a thirteen-billion-year-old universe and still call themselves evangelical?
Don McLellan believes he can. He takes the Bible as the final, truthful, and reliable authority for his faith while not denying facts of cosmology, geology, and paleontology. He then shows how its teaching enables men and women to experience the best in this life while looking forward to life in bodies that will never die, in God’s New World.
In Destined to Live! Christians confused by scientific facts are encouraged to see their faith in its clear, long-term perspective without burying their intellects. The earth is old and decaying. Our destiny is somewhere forever new, eternally with our Lord Jesus Christ, the one who conquered death.
Don McLellan, MA (Theology), PhD (Studies in Religion), is a retired Baptist pastor who has been a visiting lecturer in theology and New Testament Studies at two Australian universities and on the academic faculty of four Australian Bible colleges. His heart has always been pastoral and he has led six churches in a 50-year career. His post-graduate degrees were earned in the Department of Studies in Religion, The University of Queensland.

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