I Will Love You Forever and Always, by Sarah M. Thomas Mariano
“I Will Love You Forever and Always” is a delightful book for parents and kids of all ages to read together. Steering a positive path through family life’s ever present tough times is tricky, and Sarah masterfully shows a wonderful way!
-Jean Hamburg, LICSW
Author of “Cooperation Counts! Life-Saving Strategies for Parenting Toddlers to Teens”
This book is a great tool to help families communicate about unconditional love. Unconditional love is something that should be taught and shared with children at a young age. Children need to have that security, knowing that no matter what they do, how they act, or what they say, they will always be loved.
-Delisa Reinoso, M.Ed.
This delightful book teaches a fundamental concept that all children need to understand and internalize: that their parents will always love them no matter what, even when they misbehave and parents get upset, angry, or disappointed. This book gives parents an opportunity to communicate this very important message.
-Veronica Guarino, LICSW
This is a wonderful, engaging book that both parents and children can relate to. It is an enjoyable story for families to read while reinforcing a very important concept.
-Kim Collins, LICSW

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