Query Letter Assistance
Let’s be honest: we’d love if you worked with Atmosphere Press to publish, but we understand if you’d like to pursue a traditional publishing contract. That’s why we provide assistance to authors in crafting their agent and publisher query letters–after all, we see about 10,000 submissions a year, so we know what works. Through an in-depth video tutorial and a 45-minute one-on-one meeting with our in-house query expert, you’ll get direct assistance on building a professional agent and publisher pitch for your book, making it a flexible and dynamic document that will put the best foot forward for your manuscript.
From: $400.00

Atmosphere Press is a selective hybrid publisher founded in 2015 on the principles of Honesty, Transparency, Professionalism, Kindness, and Making Your Book Awesome. Our books have won dozens of awards and sold tens of thousands of copies. If you’re interested in learning more, or seeking publication for your own work, please explore the links below.