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Reflections in the Time of Trumpius Maximus, by Mark Fishbein

…I cannot not say his name, and Trumpius Maximus came about. It seems to fit the times.
It seems to fit his hair….

So begins the diary of verses written during the reign of Trumpius Maximus.

Fifty poems explore the surreal four years of the Trump Presidency: filled with rage, sadness, irony, and satires, responding to actual events. Written in a collage of many styles, each poem stands out on its own: accessible, thought provoking, and often hysterically funny.

Reflections in the Time of Trumpius Maximus by Mark Fishbein is an original historical record. Of all the testaments written, few capture the mood, the political reality, and the very soul of the majority of traumatized Americans as does this collection. It is poetry in its purest mission, from the very personal to the prophetic.

Atmosphere Press

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