The Red Castle, by Noah Verhoeff
The year is 1410. While battles rage in far off lands, Manfred von Göttingen, a young German knight, is confined to his miniscule town of Adelebsen. Dedicated to his duty of protecting his people, Manfred is torn apart when his father sends him on a mission away from home.
His quest: to escort an old crusader and a scholar across Medieval Germany to the far-off land of Prussia – the Kingdom of the Teutonic Knights. Manfred and his knights are forced to battle their way through hordes of pagans, peasants, and Poles, only to find themselves questioning the validity of their entire mission. What good is chivalry when your enemies hate what you stand for with a burning passion? What mercy can a warrior expect?
Return to the age of chivalry to unearth the truth behind the region of Göttingen, follow the bold Sir. Manfred on his quest, and discover what sorcery brought five brave men of the sword to their most desperate hour.

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