Time Do Not Stop, by William Guest
Time Do Not Stop is built around meditations on family, eternity, the joys of life, the pondering of mortality and loss, the grinding mill of continuous change, illusions and realities, and the plight of small humans in a vast cosmos.
Guest’s diverse experiences as a lawyer, business executive, and sculptor lend perspective to many of life’s most ineffable emotional and intellectual quandaries. Through all of this, he provides us with a myriad of ways to see and feel the vitality of being, even when ultimate meaning, if any, remains elusive.
This sharing of decades of observant poems is more about the questions of the world than any presumed answers. Time Do Not Stop makes us ask, Would we ever want to stop time?
No. It’s too beautiful, what we have.
William Guest, a graduate of Yale and Harvard, is a sculptor and the author of the travel journal Places You Want to Go and the poetry collections What I Cannot Abandon and Who Are We. A South Carolina native and Houston, Texas resident, learn more about him at williamguest.com.

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