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Editorial coaching is better for refining an in-progress manuscript

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So you’re working on a manuscript and you’re wondering how to take it to the next level. Maybe you’re struggling with plot, character development, or pacing. Or maybe you’re just feeling stuck and not sure where to go next. If this sounds familiar, it might be time to consider editorial coaching.

Editorial coaching is like having a personal trainer for your writing. It’s a way to get expert guidance and support to help you refine your manuscript and reach your writing goals. And unlike a traditional editor, an editorial coach works with you while you’re still in the writing process, so you can get feedback and guidance as you go along.

Here are a few reasons why editorial coaching is the best way to refine a manuscript that’s still in progress:

  1. Personalized feedback

    An editorial coach will work with you one-on-one to provide tailored feedback on your writing. This means you’ll get specific and actionable advice on how to improve your manuscript, rather than general comments or suggestions.

  2. Writing accountability

    Having someone to check in with can help you stay motivated and on track. An editorial coach can help you set writing goals and hold you accountable for meeting them.

  3. Support and guidance

    Writing can be a lonely and isolating process. An editorial coach can provide the support and guidance you need to stay on track and overcome any challenges you might be facing.

  4. Improved writing skills

    Working with an editorial coach can help you develop your writing skills and take your writing to the next level. You’ll learn new techniques and strategies that will help you write more effectively and efficiently.

So if you’re struggling with your manuscript and looking for a way to take it to the next level, consider giving editorial coaching a try. It might just be the push you need to turn your manuscript into a polished and publishable book.

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