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An Interview with Dima Bader


Dima Bader is a dental professional by trade, but her true passion lies in storytelling. She was born and raised in Amman, Jordan, and currently resides in Long Island, New York, with her husband and their dog, Domino. Her debut novel, Dance Around the Dandelion, marks the beginning of her career as a published author.

Tell us the story of your book’s title. Was it easy to find, or did it take forever?

Since I was a little girl and throughout my childhood, I was fascinated by the dandelions that grew around our house—constantly blowing on them and making wishes. That part of my childhood was full of wonder and exploration—a dandelion has become a symbol of hope to me.

Shortly after beginning to write my novel, I wanted to include “dandelion” in the title—it wasn’t until later that I decided where to incorporate it. As it turned out, the story revolves (dances!) around a diary with a dandelion on its cover.

When I came across the saying, “Be like a dandelion; whenever they fall apart, they start again, have hope,” I was determined to use it as an epigraph for my book, Dance Around the Dandelion. The words “dandelion” and “hope” struck a nostalgic chord in me.”

How did it feel when you first saw your book cover? Or when you first held your book in your hands?

The cover design was one of my first adventures with the professionals at Atmosphere Press. The design team diligently and professionally worked with me on it. My requests were not only fulfilled but surpassed, including an extra image that greatly inspired me. We ended up superimposing my original idea with the team’s vision, resulting in the cover you see now. I was aware that my writing journey had begun, but when I looked at the final book cover with the fonts we had picked, it hit me that my dream was really and truly about to be realized.

Who/what made you want to write? Was there a particular person, or particular writers/works/art forms that influenced you?

I’m blessed with a vivid imagination. I find myself constantly lost in thought, dreaming up new ideas and possibilities. Whether it’s imagining a better world or envisioning my next big adventure, I am a dreamer at heart.

I believe dreamers are innovators, and writing is one way people innovate. I am and always have been an avid reader—the sort of person who loses oneself inside a book or becomes so engrossed in a story that she eventually starts experiencing the emotions and thought processes of the characters she’s reading about. These experiences pushed me to start dreaming of my own characters and my own stories.

What was the most rewarding/meaningful part of publishing your book?

Writing is hard work—lots of research, lots of highs but also numerous lows and periods of demotivation. Sometimes, I finished a chapter and changed it the next day. I found myself constructing something and then reconstructing it not too long after. As I said, it was hard work but also a labor of love, which I will continue to strive for again and again. My eyes never veered from the prize. Holding my published work in my hands was that prize. What a magical feeling!

What new writing projects are you currently working on? Or, other projects that are not writing?

I had the idea for my next book even before I dreamed up Dance Around the Dandelion! However, I only started working on it a few months ago. My writing process is a complicated one, and this new book requires some deep research. It belongs to an entirely different genre compared to Dance Around the Dandelion. Currently, I am exploring the realm of YA fantasy and science fiction.

How was working with Atmosphere Press? What would you tell other writers who want to publish?

Atmosphere Press is a team of highly skilled and professional individuals who are committed to providing you with the best possible service. They are organized, efficient, and dedicated to delivering results that exceed your expectations. Every step is well-planned and executed. Your input is not only sought after but encouraged. Your opinion counts—nothing goes forward without your knowledge and agreement. Rest assured, no corner will ever be cut, and your book will only go to the printer after every ‘i’ is dotted and every ‘t’ is crossed.

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