I’m a twin: a restless, angry, merciless one. However, I can be the more patient, understanding, and loving kind. I don’t blame people normally. I find my own way in life. I don’t deal with loud sounds well. I try to find uplifting people and activities to make my life better. I’m a big believer in Heaven, God, and His commandments. My achievements are only because I’m blessed by God. He’s trained me out of many situations and engaged me in activities that helped me be supported. I can support others in my life now. It was a tremendous struggle living with mental illness. I only found out about it when I tried to succeed in life. I wondered why I couldn’t finish college classes, why dreams frightened me, or why people seemed bent on forcing me to be similar to them. I feel wild at times. I see my behavior in the youth that surround my existence today. I wondered if God knew this would happen. My family of my twin sister, my son, and his dear wife are my existence at present. We support each other. I still have dreams and goals if I could just move a little faster and be a little braver. I could accomplish much more.
Tell us the story of your book’s title. Was it easy to find, or did it take forever?
I’ve marveled at the stories of Jesus in the Bible. I’ve lived by the understanding and experience that God will help those who follow him. I prayed that I would overcome the beasts of sin. The only thing I was missing was the courage to go further, reach beyond my normal comforts to become my best. I realized I was expected to jump into a vat of scary people that would kill me if they knew I had more than they did. I didn’t have the courage I needed to complete my test. I needed something more. How was I supposed to get that? I questioned my faith
I questioned my belief. Then, in a voice that seemed to come from the back of my mind, I was directed to a verse in the Bible that stated how a youth with no particular achievements was given a great calling to lead a nation through battles, great decisions and noble causes. It was Kind David as a child. He was a sheep herder, nothing to see in his stature or activities or experiences. The God of Heaven gave young David a boost of confidence to carry him toward the goals of his future. He was given an experience of the support, protection and skill to approach, fight and kill a bear and a lion that attempted to take a lamb from his flock. David used what he had with him, a small blade, to kill the predatory animals and secure his future as a leader. David already had the inner qualities of a great leader; he only had to realize that and have it brought out into the open. It was within his grasp now. I thought and mused over this experience. What if I had a lion to kill? What if I was given a calling? What would be my talent that helps me gain success in this life? My first book tells of my way of gaining that confidence, the bravery, the inner success that leads to a responsible leader.
How did it feel when you first saw your book cover? Or when you first held your book in your hands?
Once I saw the cover of my new book, I saw a conversion of people wanting their Lion experience. I hoped this book would help others see there’s hope in securing a confident future and finding God at the center of it all along.
Who/what made you want to write? Was there a particular person, or particular writers/works/art forms that influenced you?
I have a friend who also is an author, Jo Ann S. Stringer. She demonstrated her self-mastery in her Martial Arts training and life direction to quit her job to become a full-time author. That, and my particular experiences with mean, authoritative, belligerent leaders who think everyone should respond to their leadership perspective the same as everyone else! I was given experiences that only hurt, not encouraged me. I didn’t know what to do but fight back. Of course, that goes over management like a lead balloon. I had to find a way to tell someone. I know I’m not the only one!
What other professions have you worked in? What’s something about you that your readers wouldn’t know?
I’m an amateur fundraiser, artist, woodworker, designer, paper arts constructor, painter, book-maker. I garden year-round. I’m particularly fond of carrots.
What was the most rewarding/meaningful part of publishing your book?
Finding out about my strength in writing! I didn’t know I could do that. I found I didn’t know that much about myself. Writing this book helped me understand life better.
If your book had a soundtrack, what are some songs that would be on it?
Sounds are a big part of my life. The wind in the trees, the sound of car tires grinding stones into the pavement, the light breeze that makes newspaper fold when someone’s trying to read it, the sound of footsteps, the creaky noise when floorboards try to support a heavy footfall. The sound of locks opening and closing. Unpleasant noises of swallowing water, fireworks, any loud noises. Noises of a sighing breath. I listen deeply.
What is one thing you hope readers take away from reading your book? How do you envision your perfect reader?
I hope the youth or those changing their profession would feel my book would be uplifting as well as a proclamation of purpose for them. Our individual progress is measured by others, but our individual progress comes from within.
What new writing projects are you currently working on? Or, other projects that are not writing?
Telling what it’s like to have mental illness. Experiencing the uncertainty of family and personal expectations, finding doctors who don’t understand or who DO understand. Trying different methods to make adjustments to FIT IN. It’s a whirlwind of a life. I also dabble in short stories.
How was working with Atmosphere Press? What would you tell other writers who want to publish?
I love these people! Atmosphere Press gives wonderful individual service catered to my needs. Evolving offers are growing and modern opportunities are available. I tell people who they are and where to find them!
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