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An Interview with Joyce Moore, author of The Flower Girl: Hidden

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Joyce Jean Moore is a native of Mt. Vernon, Illinois. She attended AIU in Chicago, IL, where she received her Associate’s Degree in Business Administration, Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology, and a Master’s Degree in Business Administration/Accounting. She is the owner/CEO of Kingdom Financial Services Management, LLC, located in Atlanta, GA, where she has lived for the past nine years. She is a teacher, mentor, and successful entrepreneur. Joy is the proud birth mother of one son and a “mother” to many spiritual sons and daughters. As a born-again believer, her greatest joy is her personal relationship with the Lord Jesus, her friend and savior.

Consequently, Joy went through many years of abuse until deliverance came and her silence was broken. The Lord intervened and she found her voice and began to tell her story. He made a way of escape, and she began her journey to wholeness and victory.

Unfortunately, Joy’s story is the story of several little girls and even little boys. Perhaps this is your story, or you know of someone who is in an abusive home. Hopefully, as you read the details of Joy’s story, you will find your voice, as well as a safe place (friend, neighbor, relative, teacher, pastor) to speak and tell your story too, so that you can be rescued from your situation whether past or present. Don’t lose hope and don’t give up! There is help for your situation.

You can buy Flower Girl: Hidden here.

Who/what made you want to write? Was there a particular person, or particular writers/works/art forms that influenced you?

I was inspired to write this book by the Holy Spirit, to help all who have struggled or now struggle with abuse, molestation, rape, fornication, adultery, low self-esteem, loneliness, timidness, sadness, hurt, pain, sickness, disease, confusion, nervous breakdown, rejection, anger, hatred, unforgiveness, promiscuity, suicide attempts, witchcraft, betrayal, guilt, drinking alcohol, drugs, lies, deceit, and secrets. God Almighty, who I serve, told me to write this book, period.

What other professions have you worked in? What’s something about you that your readers wouldn’t know?

I am a bookkeeper, tax professional, computer tech and business administrator. Readers don’t know that I am competitive in games such as cards, board games, bowling, and pool. I don’t get mad if I lose but I rarely lose!

Tell us the story of your book’s title. Was it easy to find, or did it take forever?

I was thinking about the different seasons of my life and about flowers representing the chapters that I named in the book. A friend who is a best-selling author and my niece gave a lot of suggestions and I decided on The Flower Girl because of the innocence and purity. The subtitle came from the hidden things in me and what was hidden behind my smile.

How did it feel when you first saw your book cover? Or when you first held your book in your hands?

When I first the book and the cover that was created I was so excited and in disbelief, thinking “this is my book” and it’s real. This was the finished product and I’m holding it in my hand. I saw it on Amazon and Barnes & Noble and was so excited. I am really an author, wow!

What is one thing you hope readers take away from reading your book? How do you envision your perfect reader?

My hope is that this project will help set someone free from bondage of the mind, strongholds of the heart, and generational curses that bring on struggles and tragedies in their life. Truly the mind is powerful, and the battle of life is in the mind. The invisible enemy, satan (name not capitalized because he gets no respect from me) and his imps fight us with suggested thoughts that we eat and digest in our minds.

What was the most rewarding/meaningful part of publishing your book?

The most meaningful and rewarding part of publishing my book was knowing I was first obedient in writing the book and knowing the book would help many people.

What new writing projects are you currently working on? Or, other projects that are not writing?

I am preparing to write the continuing story of my journey. I must allow the readers to see what happened after the storms of life. There were other obstacles, storms, mountains and valleys to overcome in my transition to another season of my life of which I need to share with readers who have read my book.

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