Julie Brown is an author, essayist, and playwright. A California girl from the San Fernando Valley, she’s spent most of her adult life in Palos Verdes (near the port of Los Angeles) where she and her husband raised two sons, rescued many dogs, hosted countless backyard BBQs, and chased away hundreds of wild peacocks. When not writing, she’s doing laundry, gardening, baking, caring for dogs, and giving her grown-up sons advice (some welcome, some not).
You can buy The Everywhere Girl here.
Who/what made you want to write? Was there a particular person, or particular writers/works/art forms that influenced you?
I fell in love with the Little House series when I was very young. I built a cozy reading nook in my closet with blankets and pillows—that’s where I immersed myself in stories and grew my imagination. That imagination is still growing!
What other professions have you worked in? What’s something about you that your readers wouldn’t know?
Fun question! My first job in high school was in a fancy chocolate shop. I could buy anything there for 50% off!
Three things my readers wouldn’t know about me: #1 The first dog we rescued was by accident. We went to the pet shop to get a goldfish but came home with a dog…AND a goldfish! #2 I make excellent macaroni and cheese from scratch. #3 I once had to evacuate a plane through the emergency exit. And yes, I slid down that enormous slide into the arms of three large firemen! And then I was interviewed on the news 🙂
Tell us the story of your book’s title. Was it easy to find, or did it take forever?
The Everywhere Girl came to me pretty easily. Because this is book four in a series, the protagonist, Rebecca, had already appeared in multiple books. She was a well-developed character by the time I finished book three. And Rebecca was always “everywhere!”
How did it feel when you first saw your book cover? Or when you first held your book in your hands?
When I opened the box with my print books for the first time, it really was like giving birth! It took longer than nine months and was (at times) almost as painful.
What is one thing you hope readers take away from reading your book? How do you envision your perfect reader?
The Clearwater Series, which includes four novels, one novella, and a box set, takes place in a small town—the kind of place readers of women’s fiction like to immerse themselves. I want my readers to become so absorbed in this town and its characters that they can’t wait to return. Many of my reviews mention something like “I wish I could live in Clearwater.” It’s pretty idyllic! That said, the characters face real struggles and must confront difficult challenges. But the serious themes are balanced out with quirky secondary characters, funny dialogue, and always a happy (for now) ending.
What was the most rewarding/meaningful part of publishing your book?
The absolute best part of writing and publishing is hearing from complete strangers that they loved my books. Writing and publishing and marketing is all very hard, time-consuming work.
What new writing projects are you currently working on? Or, other projects that are not writing?
Currently working on book five of The Clearwater Series, tentatively titled The Last Dance. I’m super excited that one of my short stories will be featured in an anthology of historical fiction set to publish early next year. I have three standalone novels in various stages of development. One is complete, one is in draft, and one is still in my head. In non-writing news, my tomato plants are not doing well. That’s an ongoing project—trying to not kill the tomatoes.
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