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An Interview with Luke Knight


What two animals make a vegetable? A sparrow-goose!

Learning is an essential part of life but never losing the ability to laugh is equally as important.

My writing journey started with my two wonderful (most of the time) children.

The joy of Christmas is always important and making up stories at bedtime is one of my favourite ‘jobs’ as a parent. My son was engrossed by stories filled with mischievous moments of magic whilst my daughter loved the tale to have a character saving the day and resolving the hilarious events.

This is how Yugo was born.

The name was simple: Yuletide and Goat combined perfectly into Yugo.

Ice Cream Chaos is the first of many adventures that Yugo will share with readers as he continues to save Santa, humanity, and, most importantly, Christmas lunch!

Each story references a figure who changed history. Even the silliest story can teach a lesson.

Who/what made you want to write? Was there a particular person, or particular writers/works/art forms that influenced you?

The love of telling a good bedtime story and getting old (forgetting more things) led to me deciding to write down one of my festive tales, just in case I forgot them in twelve months’ time!

What inspired you to start writing this book?

My children are my inspiration. Every festive season, the bedtime stories always involved naughty elves. My son loved the mischievous antics of the elves whilst my daughter enjoyed a hero to save the day. This was how Yugo was born.

Tell us the story of your book’s title. Was it easy to find, or did it take forever?

The idea of ice cream in stockings had my children in stitches when I first made up the story. Seeing the smiles on their faces and laughter filling the room made the title easy. Ice cream chaos; that bedtime certainly was chaotic.

If your book had a soundtrack, what are some songs that would be on it?

A little Christmas cheer (“Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree” – Brenda Lee), some happiness (“Happy Place” – Oh Hush), and some cheesy pop for the adults (“Everybody Get Up” – Five).

Describe your dream book cover.

One with Yugo having a fully glittery tongue!

What other professions have you worked in? What’s something about you that your readers wouldn’t know?

I struggled with English at school and was even told by a teacher to not write stories, to stick to factual reports. Opinions are there to overcome.

What books did you read (for research or comfort) throughout your writing process?

Eric Thomas has been a positive influence on my life both with his books and podcasts.

What is one thing you hope readers take away from reading your book? How do you envision your perfect reader?

My perfect reading situation would be a family snuggled together reading Yugo with smiles on their faces and enjoying the best part of Christmas – being together and enjoying each other’s company.

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