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Words from the wise

Author Interviews

Atmosphere Press is proud to bring readers the Atmosphere Press Presents author interview series. We’re happy to have this archive of excellent interviews and author success stories for you to enjoy. Learn about writers and their books, from book title origin stories to music playlists that relate to their writing to what it was like seeing the cover for the first time.
Atmosphere puts the author experience first, and these interviews make up just one facet of a meaningful and rewarding author journey. Please share your favorite interviews and author success stories on social media, and stay in touch so you can be the first to know when new posts are published. Sign up for our newsletter to receive updates on interviews, Atmosphere Press Presents readings, and other news!
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An Interview with Geoffrey Charlton-Perrin

I was born in England. Now I live with my family in Chicago. Years ago, I had a children's book published entitled Little Lord Blink and His Ice Cream Castle. I worked with a French illustrator in Paris named Georges Lemoine, recommended to me by the illustrator Etienne Delessert. I never had the pleasure of meeting Georges, but he created wonderful illustrations that enhanced my story immeasurably. Recently, the book was translated into French and published in France.
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An Interview with Latoya Ralliford

Latoya grew up in Seattle but lived in the United Kingdom during adolescence. Latoya is a multi-talented writer with non-fiction, fiction, creative writing, and illustration expertise. She’s been a member of the African American Writers Association (AAWA) since 2019, hiatus from 2021 to 2024. Latoya’s publications include BLK Excellence—Return to the Eternal Self and KERNE Magazine.
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An Interview with Brian Sluga

Brian Sluga is a customer experience consultant, author, and avid bicyclist. Brian has a bachelor’s degree in communications from Bradley University and in December 2023 received an MFA in creative writing at Lindenwood University.
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An Interview with Joel Boydston

J.E. Boydston is a retired Professor Emeritus, has an extensive background in education, technology, and publishing. He authored a popular annual reference guide for school personnel in the U.S. while serving as the Technical Manager and Consultant in a central Florida school district. For fifteen years, he served as a professor of Networking Technologies at a Florida State College. A Vietnam Veteran, he earned a Purple Heart and a Bronze Star for valor during his tour. With three loving adult children and a new granddaughter, he’s a very happy writer! Boydston is currently working on book two of the Kyle…
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An Interview with Metaxia Tzimouli

Metaxia Tzimouli is a reader, storyteller, creative writer, and music lover. When she's not writing fiction on Reedsy, she writes essays (which she also loves) on Substack. Winner of some accolades, mainly in poetry & short story fiction.
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An Interview with Helene Kiser

Helene Kiser is the author of Topography (Linear Arts Books, 1998). Her poetry and nonfiction have appeared in dozens of literary magazines and anthologies (Clockhouse, Hawaii Review, Gulf Coast, Indiana Review, Borderlands, Connecticut River Review, Sycamore Review, Paterson Literary Review, Soundings East, The Cape Rock, etc) and been nominated twice for the Pushcart Prize.
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An Interview with Michael Loderstedt

My writing reflects my upbringing on a rural island in NC, a place often visited but seldom understood. I've recently returned to this area to research the impact climate change and overdevelopment has had on the region. I've also conducted interviews that support this memoir project. In essence, these works address how geography contributes to the shaping of an artist and give some voice to an underclass culture that is seldom heard in the fields of literature and visual arts.
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An Interview with Timothy Forrest

I grew up in New England, but moved to Arizona in 2007. I've loved Sci-fi and fantasy my whole life, and started playing Dungeons and Dragons shortly after I moved to AZ, when a friend invited me. When I decided to run a game, I created the world of Talloxxis, which I then set my series in.
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An Interview with Michael Barrington

Michael Barrington, MA., M.Ed., Ph.D., has written ten books, typically historical fiction: Let the Peacock Sing, The Ethiopian Affair, Becoming Anya, The Baron of Bengal Street, No Room for Heroes. The Bishop Wears No Drawers recounts ten years as a missionary in Africa. Passage to Murder is a mystery novel set in San Francisco. Magic at Stonehenge is a collection of 42 short stories. His memoir, Grandma’s Priest, will be published in April 2024.
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An Interview with Rebecca Faulkner, author of Permit Me to Write My Own Ending

Rebecca Faulkner is a London-born poet based in Brooklyn. The author of Permit Me to Write My Own Ending (Write Bloody Publishing, 2023), her work appears in New York Quarterly, The Maine Review, The Poetry Society of New York, CALYX Press, Berkeley Poetry Review, and elsewhere. She is a 2023 poetry recipient of the Barbara Deming Memorial Fund for Women, the winner of Black Fox Literary Magazine’s 2023 Writing Contest, and the 2022 winner of Sand Hills Literary Magazine’s National Poetry Contest.