A Caregiver’s Love Story, by Nancie Wiseman Attwater
Combining research with the everyday tasks of caregiving, A Caregiver’s Love Story and Reference Guide is a valuable tool for anyone charged with the task of caring for a loved one. It’s the story of one woman’s love for her husband and the everyday lessons learned while caring for him as he battles a terminal illness. Taking care of Bill would become Nancie’s purpose in life – helping him age with grace, but more importantly helping him die with dignity. Celebrating each day as a gift of one more day of life, instead of one more day closer to death.
A Caregiver’s Love Story and Reference Guide is a book of stories about several medical diagnoses, hospitalizations and coping with a loved one’s terminal illness, not only for the patient but the caregiver. You’ll find chapters on having oxygen in the home, obtaining Power of Attorney, anticipatory grief, hiring and firing help, when to call an ambulance and avoiding caregiver burnout, along with stories of life as a caregiver.
Each chapter has a lesson – a reward, or something to think about as you read through the stories. Handled with humor and sensitivity, caring for a loved one can become less of a burden. Not only will it be the hardest job you have ever had, it will also be the most fulfilling.

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