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Big Momma Didn’t Say!, by Ann Curtis

In her debut novel, Ann Curtis writes a gripping and sobering drama based on the real-life account of the Curtis family lineage. Domestic violence rips all that is dear from this family while still drawing them closer together in love, rooted in the presence of an adored matriarchal figure known affectionately as Big Momma!

Led by her beautiful and strong-willed granddaughter, Dora (Peaches) King, this fictional portrait of the Curtis family’s life and struggles reveals how devastating relationship violence can be on any family. However, the women in the King family learn how to push through the trauma, as they find that peace in an abusive relationship is not negotiable; and in death, there are no do-overs!

Big Momma Didn’t Say will make you laugh, and at times, it will make you cry. It will encourage you to rethink some of your decisions regarding life, love, and relationship drama!

Atmosphere Press

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