David Sagacious Immortal Mortal, by John David Liebling
Malevolent Time, the most vindictive, indestructible, and fierce sociopath in the Multiverse, unleashed her haughty hatred on David’s mind, body, and soul. When he was nine, Malevolent Time’s vicious thoughts deliberately erased David’s Mama and Papa from existence. Given no time to grieve, two massive fingers descend out of the moonlit night. No longer on Earth, sobbing, frightened, David is tortured day and night over the next five years. Emaciated, gangrenous oozing David escapes from his rat-infested cage.
David’s sublime must rhyme. His unique alliteration thwarts annihilation. Discarded and demoralized, David’s unraveling time traveling prevents an armada of 100-foot soul sucking machines from finding his cloaked, phased out of time planet. I and T must never come together, or the second most powerful villain in the Multiverse will scatter David’s atoms beyond the point of rectifying regurgitating righteous resurrection.
Ko’ach, David’s seventy-foot, shapeshifting, time traveling, avenging guardian angel, would watch over him and his friends for all time. An urgent jaw-dropping game changer will take place if David can find God’s elusive righteous weapon. Without I-T-S Blue White energy, he can’t hope to bring an end to the ceaseless, unprecedented galactic war between good and evil.

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