Diagnosis Red Tape, by Joe Carson
“Joe Carson provides a path to correct flaws as he assembles novel material on red tape. After reading the book, I have become convinced that governments need a special regulatory body to keep track of the millions of regulations, their implementation and success. This is a great read for experts and voters alike.” – Jack Mintz, President’s Fellow, School of Public Policy, University of Calgary.
Diagnosis Red Tape by Joe Carson exposes the dire burden of national debt on future generations. Despite their young age, each of Carson’s grandchildren is already responsible for a staggering $35,286 of Canadian debt. The situation is even more alarming for Americans, with each person’s share of the national debt amounting to an incomprehensible $94,925. This unsustainable legacy is something we cannot afford to leave behind.
Delving into the dysfunctional nature of the current administration processes in democratic governments, Diagnosis Red Tape emphasizes that no form of political leadership or public policy is inherently superior to others. It reveals a shocking statistic: 36% of government spending goes toward government operation, and a significant portion—approximately $4.4 trillion in the USA alone—is wasted on red tape, squandering taxpayer funds.
Diagnosis Red Tape not only identifies the inefficiencies prevalent in government administration but also highlights the potential benefits if a change were to occur. It exposes why governments are unlikely to voluntarily implement such changes. By demonstrating the straightforward nature of the necessary reforms, the book instills hope that positive transformations can be achieved, benefiting society as a whole.
The administration of government must change if democracy is to survive.
“A clarion call to reform, this book beckons readers to join the crusade against the red tape, fostering a regulatory environment that harmonizes safety and efficiency.” – Héctor Cárdenas President and CEO of The Ergo Group
Continuing Lecturer, Goldman School of Public Policy, University of California Berkeley
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