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Flutterby and Caterpillarism, by D’Ann Katsu Davis

In the classic traditions of Animal Farm, Siddhartha, Johnathan Livingston Seagull, The Little Prince, and even the more recent On Tyranny, this book is also a slim volume with far-reaching magnitude. In theme, in fact, Flutterby and Caterpillarism is a combination of all these books.

Flutterby and Caterpillarism is a work of genius. It is the right book, at the right time. And the author definitely wants their talk.” — Altai Books

Both timeless and timely, this is a global, uniquely American myth. But it is not the story of Good versus Evil—again. Instead, Flutterby and Caterpillarism connects the dots, notes and octaves between healing the self, healing society, and healing the earth.

Set in the Medicine camp at Standing Rock, Flutterby and Caterpillarism looks unflinchingly at the ills of American society, while, at the same time, holding a positive vision of the way forward—with the Lakota showing the way.

Flutterby and Caterpillarism is a kind of playbook for a revolution based in love, spirit and energy independence (that is, interdependence). It’s an insightful, delightful read that is touching, poetic and fun!” — Readers’ Favorite

Like the author’s music and previous book, Playing Mantis, Flutterby and Caterpillarism also supports the decolonization of consciousness, and the re-indigenization of the world.

“Reading Flutterby and Caterpillarism was privilege and a pleasure. The firsthand accounts of Standing Rock from the point of view of the medicine people, children, and women was just what I wanted—at the time all I saw was the (predominantly male-gaze of the) media fixation on violence. This is about deep healing from a woman’s perspective living with the medicine folks and children there.” — Goodreads

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