HOUSE BOY by Lorenzo DeStefano
An urban thriller with socio-political and racial overtones, House Boy by Lorenzo DeStefano is a fact-based tale that inhabits a shadowland where ancient traditions take root and prosper in our so-called modern world. In the polite suburb of Hendon, North London, in an undistinguished house at 321 Finchley Lane, the lives of a young man, Vijay Pallan, and a wealthy divorcee, Bindsa Tagorstani, intersect as if decreed by history. House Boy exposes readers to the harsh realities of human trafficking, the boundless capacity for human pain, and the ultimate blessing of even one man’s survival.
“Lorenzo DeStefano’s HOUSE BOY chronicles with authority and excruciating verisimilitude a tragedy of truly grotesque proportions.
The trafficking and subsequent exploitation of human beings continues to this day, a loathsome criminal enterprise. The veracity of HOUSE BOY, delivered dramatically and cinematically, is both revelatory and compelling.”
~ Barry Gifford
“Lorenzo DeStefano’s HOUSE BOY is a painfully realistic page-turner that is both enthralling and horrifying… Haunting storytelling… A great read that will ground you and make you check your privilege.”
~ Risah Salazar, Feathered Quill
“’HOUSE BOY’ is a sharp look into a normally dark and hidden place.
The story rocks and rolls and surprises as it peals away the layers hiding slavery in plain sight in London today.
Just don’t think this happens only in London.
Likely as not, it’s where you live, too. A great read.”
~ Kevin Bales
“’HOUSE BOY’ is an enthralling book about the persistent caste discrimination
and human slavery in India. As an Indian, as much as I hate to accept the extent
to which such crimes take place, I can’t turn a blind eye to the ground realities.
This book is a scary yet brutally honest display of the crimes in the name of caste
and slavery. Filled with anger against social issues,
Lorenzo DeStefano’s ‘HOUSE BOY’ is a gut-wrenching read”.
~ Falguni Jain
“In his book, ‘HOUSE BOY’, Lorenzo DeStefano weaves an amazing story that you must definitely read.
The author discusses some tragic events that will astound you.
A perfect blend of mystery, drama and emotions.”
~ Vidhya Thakkar
“Lorenzo DeStefano’s ‘HOUSE BOY’ is a powerfully written saga portraying the atrocities of human trafficking.
His writing is intense, painting the inexplicable travesty of serf suffering.
Merciless, cruel, yet brutally real.”
~ Neelam Sharma / Booxoul

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