It Starts When You Stop, by Johnny Abboud
Struggling seems to be the name of the game for young Hiro. Along with his innate anxiety, he’s also dealing with some terribly confusing voices in his head. Oh, and then there’s Todd, sweet mother Blaire’s bullying lover. Once Hiro learns the origin of those pesky voices—the ones talking about experimentally inducing mental illness upon the human race—events only escalate.
Skeptical of his eccentric psychiatrist, Dr. Fox Viqar, and desperately in love with the receptionist, Arina, Hiro’s search for understanding takes him to mysterious, cult-like, murderous places he never could have expected. Join a group of potential terrorists to thwart his doctor’s detestable intentions? Enlightened maniacs saving the sane, or a group of criminals heedlessly taking advantage of a sick person?
With escalating uncertainty about his honest mental state, Hiro begins to wonder, ‘Whose mind is it anyway?’

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