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Lost Graces, by Helen Montague Foster

Psychiatrist Dr. Nancy Thomas prefers to believe there is no such thing as knowing too much about a human being, but after someone shoots a colleague, her fear mounts, and she learns disturbing secrets that force her to rethink her approach as a therapist.

Despite insurance denials and cautions from a supervisor that Grace and Alan are too ill for her to continue treating safely, Nancy struggles to provide good care. Has her own past clouded her judgement? With her husband away, her children grown and gone, colleagues dying, and her anxiety surging, she fears she may become prey to a serial killer.

Set in the late 1990’s in Richmond, Virginia in a landscape of changing health care policies, Lost Graces by Helen Montague Foster was inspired by the city’s reactions to the real-life Southside Strangler and Beltway Snipers. This richly imagined psychiatric thriller invites readers into head of the kind of psychiatrist who does therapy.

Atmosphere Press

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