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Lovely Minds, by Alyssa Gambacorta

Get intimate, deep and personal in the pages of this unique and captivating poetry collection. Alyssa Gambacorta’s first ever published poetry collection, Lovely Minds explores themes of heartbreak, the sorrows and joys of love and the struggles of battling mental health.

While dealing with heavy topics, Lovely Minds is about letting yourself be okay with feeling all those raw and suppressed emotions. Alyssa wants to normalize the idea that chaotic minds which hold so much pain are especially beautiful in their own ways. The purpose of this book is for others to gain a sense of comfort that they are not alone in the difficulties they face and the drawbacks that lie ahead.

Instagram: @alyssa_gambacorta

Atmosphere Press

Atmosphere Press is a selective hybrid publisher founded in 2015 on the principles of Honesty, Transparency, Professionalism, Kindness, and Making Your Book Awesome. Our books have won dozens of awards and sold tens of thousands of copies. If you’re interested in learning more, or seeking publication for your own work, please explore the links below.