Mondegreen Monk, by Jonathan Kumar
How does one prepare himself for a meeting with his destiny?
It wasn’t so much as love at first sight as it was love at first thought for Alan Kirke when he meets what he knows to be the only woman in this world meant for him. Though Alan aspired to courtship and chivalry his entire life, they are new and therefore foreign to him. He had spent his time in solitude against his deepest desire, a consequence of his self-imposed banishment. Alan was afraid of love from what he had seen in the struggles of others in relationships.
Alan hadn’t the wherewithal to know what to do when fate presented herself to him yet somehow he was unafraid and steadfast in his conviction the agony and heartache he experienced in his pursuit of love could haunt him no longer the moment he unassumingly stepped onto the ballroom dance floor, a recreation he had sought to take his thoughts away from his melancholia. But will she love him too?
Alan must now decide if it is better to live within the perfection of ideal or risk discovering for himself if his feelings could ever be reciprocated by a woman who could have any man of her choosing or her student whose impulses could not be acted upon even if against all odds she did share his sentiments.
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