One Warrior to Another, by Richard Cleaves
Not every Vietnam combat victim came home in a body bag. My brother came home in an airliner. Nonetheless, a victim.
After college and landing his ideal job, reality gut-punched him when his focus was elsewhere. “The Letter.” Report for a physical and induction. My big brother was suddenly weeks away from being off to the uncertain. Basic Training, technical school, then he boarded a ride to Southeast Asia. Ostensibly, Thailand, but we knew better.
Assigned to the agile and scrappy, Mobile Riverine Force, Richard started his tour as a mechanic. Then, as personnel fell away, he took on different roles, culminating as boat captain.
After his tour the homecoming was upon us, but not really. Vietnam was behind him, but not really. Each day was a struggle and each night brought troubled sleep. Richard thought he was alone with these things, but not really.
Not released until after his passing, this little book is like no other. Brutally personal, disturbingly graphic at times, the reader will be changed. This story is my brother’s way of saying to all veterans, “Brother, you are not alone.”

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