SEX—INTERRUPTED: Igniting Intimacy While Living With Illness or Disability, by Iris Zink and Jenny Palter
By the year 2030, as many as 171 million people in the U.S.— more than half of all Americans—will be living with at least one chronic medical condition (data from The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation). Illness or disability can easily derail a person’s sex life—but it doesn’t have to be that way. Using kindness, honesty, and humor, Iris Zink, BSN, MSN, ANP, RN-BC, explores the ways illness or disability can affect a sexual relationship and offers suggestions on how to regain intimacy. She also describes existing myths about sex and debunks them with real-life examples. Most importantly, you’ll learn that, no matter how a person’s body changes, no-one should have to give up sex. Ms. Zink has 20 years of experience in treating sexual health complications related to chronic illness, and in writing and lecturing to healthcare providers on sexual health subjects. She has enabled thousands of people to experience fulfilling sex and meaningful intimacy—she can help you, too!

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