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Sliding Down The Razor Blades of Life, by Rob Penfield

Life is full of joy and fear as we learn its toughest lessons. We travel bumpy roads, inherit responsibilities, reap rewards, and incur debts—the razor blades we all slide over while learning.

These stories focus on the lessons we learned when we were young. Simple to see, complex in application, they deal with everyday issues of respect, patience, planning, and truth—disciplines that take a lifetime to understand. The book captures our experiences growing up with friends in those wonderful places we knew as kids: schools and playgrounds, woods, brooks, and ponds; all living pieces of our outdoor classrooms of life.

We became adults, often unaware that the lessons we learned so long ago influenced our paths and decisions. We survived because of the knowledge shared by those who joined us in our classrooms of life. We all bear the scars of lessons learned. We survived the responsibilities thrust upon us, made lifetime decisions, played our roles, and paid our debts. These memories never die.

All while sliding down the razor blades of life.

Atmosphere Press

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