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The Cry of Being Born, by Carol Mariano

“I have given up my search for truth and am now looking for a good fantasy,” is the slogan on a t-shirt. Fantasy is imagination cut loose from truth and it has its own place in the scheme of things. But what if imagination is used in the service of truth, such as in poetry that expresses inner longings we bring to the light and grounding of reality.

The spirit of truth doesn’t speak to us in easy soundbites, but in whispers and cries and groans that call us to inner awareness and move us to deep engagement with nature, with God and with people. The spirit of truth doesn’t give us easy satisfactions but opens our eyes to new awareness of how things are and gives us glimpses of how they could be.

This book looks at faith in different seasons of our spiritual journey, the seasons of Emergence, Loss, Renewal, and Celebration that spiral us through our days.

Atmosphere Press

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