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The Lost Princess of Alicante, by E.V. Padilla

In the year 1680, Don Claudio Talavera de Alicante, accompanied by his wife Doña Bernarda, sails to the Caribbean islands San Lázaro and Betania, as the newly appointed governor. Inspired by the Martyr Saint Thomas More’s UTOPIA, Don Claudio hopes to build an enlightened society, but his descendants discard his ideals, arbitrarily assuming the title “Prince,” and rule the islands according to their own less-than-enlightened objectives.

More than three centuries later, Inés Zaragosa, who lives with her abusive Aunt Sofía in the American Southwest, struggles to earn her master’s degree in History while working as a cook for a wealthy woman in the town. On the island of San Lázaro, the much-maligned Sálomon Montemares serves as President, while Prince Agustín rules with benign neglect on Betania. Agustín’s son Alejandro returns home to Betania from Europe, to resume his usual care-free lifestyle. Don Román Velásquez, Aunt Sofía’s wealthy cousin, after years of searching, brings the two women to the islands, where Inés discovers an existence never anticipated.

Readers will find unexpected revelations and conflicts among the characters that create a rapidly unfolding tale of how this young woman adjusts to life on an island paradise.

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