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The Twitter Gospels, by David H. Parish

With a deft hand, Parish weaves into this religious thriller facts of historical relevance, sumptuous descriptions of regional foods … and an admiring attentiveness in the depictions of his women characters. Parish has crafted a prescient and thoughtfully weighty story that reflects on religion’s effect on relationships and communities.

– Kirkus Reviews

The Twitter Gospels brilliantly combines intrigue, history, and church politics that tells a story of power, conflict, and religious fervor without losing sight of the importance of faith, devotion, and love.

– J. Erstling

Jesuit high school teacher and Seminarian Paolo Venticinque is abruptly dispatched by the Vatican to Jerusalem. His mission: to interview hospital patients who believe themselves to be Jesus Christ and to discover the voice behind a progressive Twitter account that warns the world of the Vatican’s “false teachers”. Unbeknownst to Paolo, the viral account is seen as a growing threat by conservatives within the Vatican, who are determined to silence it while conspiring against a beloved and inclusive pope. Follow Paolo through a crisis of faith as he strives to view a confusing world through compassionate eyes.

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