The Yuma Encounter, by Dustin Correia
Beware: This novel is a true account containing explicit content, extensive profanity, illicit intravenous drug use, true love, broken hearts, and a possible encounter with God.
“I think I may have finally crossed that imagined line that defines what distance dictates too far from comfort… I am sitting here inadvertently facing the consequences of big boy trouble. Barely eighteen years of age and facing what may quite well be the precursor defining the rest of my life, it almost doesn’t seem fair… This is a horrible situation even on the surface, but if anyone decides to grow a brain and start connecting certain dots, circumstances can all too quickly transform from tragic to fatal.”
The Yuma Encounter by Dustin Correia pulls no punches as he describes the gritty side of living the high life and the darkest part of the night. Stuck in a jail cell after having been a party to three separate armed robberies after breaking out of rehab, this is a story of love, hate, friendship, addiction, and the struggles to find meaning and purpose. Inevitably, it’s about how unfortunate events can break you so far down that you cry out to a God you’re not quite sure exists, and what it looks like when he answers back.
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