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this is my worst nightmare: please be nice to me, by Sofia Pires Baquedano

“We have the dire need to love. To make our lives gorgeous and fulfilling, to love and live and be happy in spite of the absurdness of it all.”

Sunny is a high school teacher in her late twenties navigating the hospitalization of her best friend Charlie. As a narrator who feels like an observer in her own life, Sunny examines what her life without Charlie might have been like and what life with him has meant for her. The story moves through time non-linearly, exploring Charlie’s family, his and Sunny’s mutual friend Louis, and Sunny’s past and present.

Mourning for someone who is still alive and a past that has been left unresolved, Sunny tells her story, straying away from the darkest aspects of the past with witty comic relief. this is my worst nightmare, please be nice to me is a tale of love, its pains and joys, belonging, and finding trouble in one’s brain, whether literally or figuratively.

Atmosphere Press

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