This Side of Babylon, by James Stoia
Just because they’re family doesn’t mean they are without contradictions or complications…
It’s the week that won’t seem to let up. The sweltering Chicago heat begins to seep into the city and drench everything in a humid haze. An unexpected death, difficulties at work, and an ever-increasing schism within his family all force Lennox Adler to confront a maudlin past that never faded.
As Lennox travels from Chicago to Portland, the emotional strain of unresolved discord compels him to navigate a labyrinth of mental despair. It’s in the time of his greatest need that he relies on Alastor, his brother, to help. Just talking to him makes the world seem more bearable.
Told through several unique voices, stimulating dialogue, and lamenting flashbacks, This Side of Babylon is a far-reaching story of how we wade through the intricacies of family, and how we also choose who is part of that unit. It takes us deep into the everyday lives of one immigrant family as it struggles to sustain a kindred connection amid the ever-changing expectations of growing up in a new home.

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