To BnB or Not to BnB: Deromanticizing the Dream, by Sue Marko
A humorous and horrifying look into the actualities of B&B ownership, To B&B or Not to B&B – Deromanticizing the Dream describes Sue Marko’s experiences hosting the public in her magical lodge in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. What begins as a dream quickly turns into a train-wreck. Get ready to laugh at the ridiculous and be rendered completely speechless by Sue’s outrageous experiences. And prepare to learn a few great tips and tricks of the trade along the way. Buckle up for the roller-coaster ride; you don’t want to miss out on this eye-opening story of a B&B expert!
“We all go into the B&B business with rose-colored glasses; our enthusiasm piqued, we are excited to be the best hosts we can be and with optimistic dreams of the ‘happily ever after.’ Then reality hits (LOL).”
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