Whistler of Petty Crimes, by Eileen Ike West
Far from expounding on ordinary life, Whistler of Petty Crimes introduces a time and circumstance that blows the lid off the commonly-held belief today mimics yesterday. Oh no. Not entirely.
Who knew fifty years ago—
Ø Contempt for stray dogs and/or pine walls might lead to a lifelong litany of prejudices
Ø Worse, psychological mayhem raged among people with peculiar thoughts and/or behaviors because therapists were yet to assign ailments their proper alphabet letters (i-e A-D-H-D, P-T-S-D, e-t-c, e-t-c)
Ø Still worse, everywhere in the Black Hills of South Dakota, tourists were allowed to stick hands out of open car windows and feed bananas to bears roaming wild
Ø In the same vein, during sub-zero winters, generations of Minnesota parents stunned their cabin-fevered children into dead silence by piling them in cars, taking off across the nearest ice-covered lake, and spinning their vehicles around—literally, ad nauseum
Ø Worst of all, the emergency call number 9-1-1 universally relied on (in the US) today did not exist, adding havoc to all crises listed above
If perplexities pique your interest, dear reader, settle on Whistler of Petty Crimes and travel the whimsical wormholes of West’s matchless storytelling mind.

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