A lot! We love it when authors have a solid vision for what they want on their cover; after all, the more you love your cover, the happier you’ll be, and that’s what we want. We’ll give you advice on your cover, though, and will always be honest about what types of approaches will be most appealing to readers and will most suit current trends. And if you want to use our excellent design team to create a cover for you, without publishing with us, we can do that, too. Either way, we have a really great process to diagnose what you want, and then deliver something you and your readers will love. Believe us, we get incredible amounts of compliments for our covers.
Atmosphere Press is a selective hybrid publisher founded in 2015 on the principles of Honesty, Transparency, Professionalism, Kindness, and Making Your Book Awesome. Our books have won dozens of awards and sold tens of thousands of copies. If you’re interested in learning more, or seeking publication for your own work, please explore the links below.