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Advice for writers

How quickly can my book be published?


Atmosphere Press knows that time is of the essence, and will work to get your book out on a timeline that works for you. If that means you have a business event and need your book done in five months, we will help make that happen. If that means you want ten months to plan a publicity blast, we’ll time that right up for you. We have a well-practiced Publication Timeline, so we’re very efficient in our processes, and we’ll work at a pace that suits you, while not compromising quality. Contrast this to traditional publishing, in which it’s not uncommon for there to be as much as a two-to-three year lead time before you can hold your book in your hands. With Atmosphere, the most common publication project duration is 4-8 months, with a print copy in hand prior to that. And here you go, check out the whole journey—it’s a fun one!

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atmosphere press

Atmosphere Press is a selective hybrid publisher founded in 2015 on the principles of Honesty, Transparency, Professionalism, Kindness, and Making Your Book Awesome. Our books have won dozens of awards and sold tens of thousands of copies. If you’re interested in learning more, or seeking publication for your own work, please explore the links below.