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Advice for writers

How to Encourage Your Personal Network to Support Your Book

How to Encourage Your Personal Network 1

While it might seem like a no-brainer for your friends and family to purchase a book with your name on it, sometimes it takes a little extra nudge to get them to take the plunge. Here are some informative tips to help you approach the situation with a little humor and a lot of grace.

Firstly, it’s important to remember that your friends and family are not just a bunch of walking wallets waiting to buy your book. They are people who care about you and want to support you in your endeavors. So, approach them with gratitude and respect, not just as potential customers.

One way to encourage your personal network to support your book is to offer them a sneak peek or a free copy. This will give them a chance to read your work and decide if they want to recommend it to others. Plus, who doesn’t love a free book?

Another way to get your personal network excited about your book is to create a buzz around it. Share updates on your writing process, post teasers from your latest book, and even host Q&As with your followers. This will help build anticipation and get people talking about your book.

Lastly, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Ask your friends and family to share your book on their social media platforms or to recommend it to their book clubs. Word of mouth is a powerful tool, and your personal network can help spread the word about your book.

So, there you have it! Some tips on how to encourage your personal network to support your book. Remember, your friends and family are not just potential customers, they are your support system. Treat them with respect and gratitude, and they will be more than happy to support you in your writing journey.

atmosphere press

Atmosphere Press is a selective hybrid publisher founded in 2015 on the principles of Honesty, Transparency, Professionalism, Kindness, and Making Your Book Awesome. Our books have won dozens of awards and sold tens of thousands of copies. If you’re interested in learning more, or seeking publication for your own work, please explore the links below.