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Escaping Into Imagination: An Interview with Cassandra Kildow, author of Spinning Into Infinity

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Cassandra Kildow is a native Texan who lives in a small town in the Texas Panhandle with her five-year-old son, ailing mother, and stepfather. Cassandra picked up writing at the tender age of twelve as a way to cope with middle school bullying. Every fantasy world she created was her way of escaping the difficulties of real life. Fortunately, those troubles gave Cassandra a push in the right direction with her decision to write fiction novels.

You can buy Spinning Into Infinity here.

Are you a writer, too? Submit your manuscript to Atmosphere Press.

Tell us the story of your book’s title. Was it easy to find, or did it take forever?

My book didn’t have a title until I was about halfway through it. I was re-watching episodes of Charmed as I wrote, and one of the characters said the phrase “spinning into infinity” and it just stuck with me.

How did it feel when you first saw your book cover? Or when you first held your book in your hands?

I cried when I first saw my cover design. I was immediately in love with it. I was given three covers to choose from, but I fell in love with the first one so quickly, neither of the others ever stood a chance.

Who/what made you want to write? Was there a particular person, or particular writers/works/art forms that influenced you?

My friend from middle school was my biggest influence. We used to joke that we influenced each other because until we met, neither one of us wrote anything. I’ve always loved to read, though. Fantasy has and always will be my favorite genre.

What was the most rewarding/meaningful part of publishing your book?

Just getting to see it in print. I did mostly handwrite my book, but it’s a different feeling seeing it professionally done. I feel very proud of it!

What is one thing you hope readers take away from reading your book? How do you envision your perfect reader?

I didn’t write my book with the intention of sending any kind of message, so if my readers happen to find one in there, props to them. I wrote my book purely as entertainment. I used to read to escape the troubles of my real life and I wanted to help others do the same.

What new writing projects are you currently working on? Or, other projects that are not writing?

I am currently working on the sequel to Spinning Into Infinity, as well as rewriting a book that I self-published a few years ago.

How was working with Atmosphere Press? What would you tell other writers who want to publish?

Atmosphere Press made the process easy for me. I didn’t really have to do much. I was glad that I found Atmosphere because I wouldn’t want to work with anyone else.

You can buy Spinning Into Infinity here.

Are you a writer, too? Submit your manuscript to Atmosphere Press.

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