Baker by trade, writer by passion, I’ve been writing for years but never seriously. Covid and the subsequent quarantine gave me the chance to really focus and come up with some stories that I am very proud of.
The story of Lightborn came to me in a dream. I had the vivid image of a young girl running from something sinister. She raised her hand and opened a portal, racing through and snapping her hands shut before she could be followed. The next day, I wrote the first chapter, using this image. The rest progressed from there.
After I finished Lightborn, I started work on the sequel but was drawn to another story and another character.
Grace is everything I wish strong female leads could be. Strong, smart, capable, honest, and, best of all, she ties her hair back when she fights!
She can fight but won’t win them all due to her smaller stature, no matter what Hollywood wants us to believe. And she doesn’t drink whiskey (does anybody really?)
An Easy Target is the first in a series of books following Grace as she works cases and gets a little blood on her boots.
Who/what made you want to write? Was there a particular person, or particular writers/works/art forms that influenced you?
I started writing during the COVID lockdowns. And honestly, the idea for the book came to me in a dream. The next day, I started writing, and Lightborn came from there. I’ve always written little stories but I never thought I’d have it in me to write a whole book, let alone three!
What other professions have you worked in? What’s something about you that your readers wouldn’t know?
I’m a trained baker and pastry chef who worked in the industry for over a decade in New York, Toronto, Vancouver, Spain, and Estonia. I stopped for a little while when I felt I needed a break and actually worked as a dog walker for a year. It was, by far, the best job of my life.
Tell us the story of your book’s title. Was it easy to find, or did it take forever?
I almost always start with the titles of my books. Sometimes, I hear a phrase or have a flash and think, “That would make a good book title.” From there, I’ll brainstorm what that book could be.
Lightborn came to me almost right away. The idea that there are people who hold Light (magic) that they’re born with is simple, but I like that about it. I don’t love overly long book titles.
How did it feel when you first saw your book cover? Or when you first held your book in your hands?
It was unreal. It was such a “pinch me” moment to know that I’d written all those words. That the story came from my mind and that people might actually want to read it!
If your book had a soundtrack, what are some songs that would be on it?
I’m a huge Swiftie so I’m sure there would be a few Taylor songs. The overall themes for Lightborn are betrayal and hope, so I guess I’d lean toward songs like “Survivor” by Destiny’s Child, since my main character is exactly that.
What is one thing you hope readers take away from reading your book? How do you envision your perfect reader?
The book is kind of a fusion of themes. There’s magic, but there are also climate issues. I wanted to combine the two, but I hope that the readers understand the overall message: we have powerful people in the world who simply don’t care enough to protect its future.
What was the most rewarding/meaningful part of publishing your book?
I was so proud the day I published this book. It’s hard to describe, but after countless edits and re-writes, it’s such a deeply joyful thing to finally see it come to life. And I’ve since published two other (thriller) novels. It never gets old!
What new writing projects are you currently working on? Or, other projects that are not writing?
I have about a dozen projects in the works! I’m working on the sequel to Lightborn, but I always get excited about new ideas—and I have a lot of new ideas!
I finished the first draft of a book about a serial killer in Australia and the first draft of a book that is kind of like The Bachelor meets Saw 🙂
I just started work on two very different sci-fi novels and have at least three other thrillers plotted out. I love to write and I just can’t find the time to get them all done!
Hopefully, you’ll see my book, Thanks, Darl, published before the end of 2024!
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