Onika Howdyn lives in a cozy, country town in New Hampshire with her family, two felines, and a flock of feathered raptors. When she is not writing dark and dismal tales, she is enjoying time outside with her boys or eating nachos on the couch while watching pro-wrestling.
The Dragon Favorite is her first published novel in a long line of planned epic fantasies to come.
Who/what made you want to write? Was there a particular person, or particular writers/works/art forms that influenced you?
I’ve always loved writing, ever since I was a kid. I think movies are my biggest influence. I’ve always enjoyed the darker children’s films growing up, such as The Dark Crystal and Watership Down. Lemony Snicket was one of my favorite authors as a pre-teen because of his writing style and I always loved how unique it felt diving into one of his stories.
What inspired you to start writing this book?
I started writing this novel back in 2006 when my boyfriend, now partner, gave me a coffee table book about dragons. There was something in those pages that made me want to tell this story. I wasn’t serious about publishing it until 2017. That’s when I really started developing the world the book takes place in, writing other stories within that world and following the timeline of events for the characters. This book was rewritten multiple times before I felt it was ready.
Tell us the story of your book’s title. Was it easy to find, or did it take forever?
The title I pulled from the content in that coffee book I mentioned earlier. It was a definition of someone who served a dragon as a companion and a source of nurturing love. The title has never changed over the course of the years. I always felt I needed to stay true to the inspiration for this book.
If your book had a soundtrack, what are some songs that would be on it?
This book does have a soundtrack already! I never write without creating a playlist for each of my drafts. Some artists on there are Crywolf, Talos, Low Roar, Haken, Les Discrets, and Woods of Ypres.
Describe your dream book cover.
Illustrated, hand-drawn illustrations that fit the atmosphere of the novel. A dragon, of course! And a few other things.
What other professions have you worked in? What’s something about you that your readers wouldn’t know?
I have my own business as a freelance video and audio editor. I mostly edit for YouTube channels and podcasts. I worked in the television industry for three years as a production assistant until I had kids. It was a wild ride but worth it! I got to work with some of my childhood heroes from shows I watched growing up. Really fun experience.
What books did you read (for research or comfort) throughout your writing process?
Steven King’s On Writing and How to Kickstart Your Novel are the most influential books I’ve read. I’ve also taken Neil Gaiman’s Masterclass, which is worth every penny. Articles on world-building have been detrimental. And Reedsy has been my go-to for any publishing questions I had along the way.
What is one thing you hope readers take away from reading your book? How do you envision your perfect reader?
My book, although fantasy, focuses a lot on mental health, particularly for mothers. I hope this novel brings awareness to the health crisis surrounding perinatal health and hopefully, helps anyone out there who has been told ‘it’s just a phase’ or ‘it will pass’ while they are in their postpartum days or new to motherhood. It’s okay to not be okay. And if you think you need help, get help.
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